princess uranus

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   It's a she but it's also a he...which one?both? That's kindda cool isn't it! Having two genders is definitely a privilege.We wonder...  anyone out there with two genders?hehe If there is,well you're one of a kind.In our case,we alwayz love to seek for unique thingies (and maybe people ^-^) so if you consider yourself eccentric or weird don't be afraid to show who you really are.Don't hide the weirdo in you be who you are and if you like you can also e-mail us.We would luv' to get to know ya'.

You can use em' but please don't link directly to da' graphics.! Download it to your own hard drive and if you plan on using it as your hp background just put a link back to our site somewhere on the same page you use our graphics so that others might share it as well.

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haruka 1









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Sailormoon © 1999 Naoko Takeuchi and other respective rights holders.Written stuff and fanarts © 1999 Emerald N' Nova.This fan site is purely for entertainment purposes only, and in no way is it intended to make a profit.