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We're giving out awards!!


   Aaa.. what do we have here!Visitor.Are you sure you're ready to accept our dare?That's pretty valiant of you.You can choose whether to participate in out webpage contest or maybe reveal those hidden talents of yours and win the "Talented Artist" award for 1999.Since this is our first awards | contest give-away session, so no awards had been given out so far.If you win you'll be the first to receive it! Why wait?

Awards | Contest






| Eternal Falmma | Universal -X | Angel Wings | Minerva's Quest | Awards | Linkz |

Sailormoon © 1999 Naoko Takeuchi and other respective rights holders.Written stuff and fanarts © 1999 Emerald N' Nova.This fan site is purely for entertainment purposes only, and in no way is it intended to make a profit.

Contest!Contest!Click here....